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CNC Machining’s Role in Modern Manufacturing

CNC (or “computer numerical control”) is very important in modern manufacturing for a number of reasons. Learn why this is the case below.

What is CNC Machining?

CNC machining is a type of subtractive manufacturing process that utilizes machine tools and computerized controls to remove layers of material from a workpiece or blank in order to create a custom-designed part. This process is suitable for many types of materials, including foam, wood, glass, plastics, metals, and composites.

Why is it Important to Modern Manufacturing?

CNC machining is important to modern manufacturing for many reasons. One reason is because the process is applicable to many industries, including aerospace, telecommunications, and large machinery that utilizes CNC machining. These industries require stricter requirements and regulations than other industries, which is why CNC machining is vital, being the manufacturing process is set up by controls operated and programmed by computer programs, making such exact specifications much easier to obtain.

Before the advent of these CNC machines, operators could not fabricate parts very quickly; as a result, there were poor adjustments made or losses mounted for these operators. Plus, worker productivity was very low because it took so much time and effort just to create a handful of parts.

CNC machining does not require direct human assistance; as a result, processing and manufacturing can be set to go as fast as the machine tools and computers operating them can go, much faster than traditional human labor. Without the ability of these machines to operate these tools, it would take much longer to produce the same amount of engineering materials and tools, thereby negatively impacting the industries that greatly depend upon those materials and tools.